Frequently asked question

Q: Where are you located?

A: I’m located in Gwynn Oak, Maryland. A pickup address will be sent to you once a deposit is received.

Frequently asked question

Q: Do you make decorative cookies or candy apples?

A: I haven’t mastered either sweet treat and do not offer these as part of my menu for purchase.

Frequently asked question

Q: Am I able to make multiple payments for my order?

A: Yes, of course. You can make as few or many payments prior to 1 week from your event date.

Payment Options: Cash App $PetiteChef, Venmo @Petite_Chef, or PayPal/Zelle


Q: Can I change my pickup time?

A: If you need to modify your pickup time please provide at least 48hr notice and send an email or call/text (410) 645-0226


Q: Do I need to keep my cake or sweet treats refrigerated?

A: Yes, please keep your items cold. You may set out items for display and serving no more than 1-2hr before consumption. Remember for warmer months, if the temperature outside is too hot for you, then it’s too hot for your cake as well.